Locally grown in Charlevoix
Bridge Street Blooms is proud to grow over 90,000 plants annually in Charlevoix, Michigan. Our selection is the highest quality and carefully chosen to thrive in our Northern Michigan environment.
Whether you're a novice or master gardener, our garden center is a must-visit destination for all plant lovers! From classic annuals, to hearty perennials, trees and shrubs, we have an outstanding variety of healthy plants and everything you need to succeed in gardening. Our famous Big & Beautiful hanging baskets and unique custom planters are ready to add instant beauty to your home, so you can relax and enjoy the season!
We're open 7-days a week May-July 31st. We can’t wait to share our happiness!
Annuals + Perennials
We’re proud to grow over 90,000 plants annually in Charlevoix!
Click here to see what we’ve grown
Baskets + Planters
We’re famous for our hanging baskets and custom planters!
Click here to see our 2025 combos
Trees + Shrubs
We carry Michigan-sourced trees + shrubs carefully chosen for Northern Michigan!
Click here to see our trees + shrubs
Let’s grow
We’re here to ensure your gardening success! See below for commonly asked about information and feel free to stop in or call us with any other questions.
Looking for pollinators?
Both plants and people need pollinators! One out of every three bites of our food, including fruits, vegetables, chocolate, coffee, nuts, and spices, is created with the help of pollinators.
Gardeners can help pollinators by planting more flowers! An abundance of different flower shapes, sizes, and colors will appeal to a variety of pollinators. Grouping plants together in sunny locations helps pollinators find and feed while expending less energy. Having a variety of plants with staggering bloom times also ensures pollinators can feed throughout the year. And don’t forget to make water available in bird or bee baths.
Trouble with deer?
While no plants are guaranteed to be deer proof, choosing plants deer are known to dislike may help deter them from your yard. Deer tend to avoid fuzzy textures, coarse or fern-like foliage, spines and strong smells.
When it comes to Northern Michigan deer, consistency is key! We strongly recommend spraying all flowers with Bobbex Deer Repellent every week as the most effective method of protecting your garden.
Want more blooms?
Your plants need food, just like you! Feeding them keeps them healthy and helps them continue to perform as well as they do in our greenhouse. You will see bigger, more prolific blooms, more color, and longer life, if you fertilize! We strongly recommend you fertilize weekly with Jack’s Fertilizers.
Jack’s formula outperforms other fertilizers by deriving nitrogen from multiple sources, making it easier for your plant to take in iron, while also controlling roots to promote more blooms.